How to Remove blank interstices on pattern

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How to Remove blank interstices on pattern

Postby davidovic » Thu Jul 25, 2019 4:54 am


I want to make a pattern, but when I copy squares (one beside the other) I have Blank interstices between the squares.

I want to obtain ONE uniform surface plane without Blank's interstices.

How to do this, please.

Here's the file in attachments.


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Re: How to Remove blank interstices on pattern

Postby Uktrunie » Thu Jul 25, 2019 5:59 am

Attachment is not working, probably because it's your first post. But if your problem is what I think it is, then you're not alone and there's no straight solution neither, but you might want to check this video out: (great channel for beginners btw)

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Re: How to Remove blank interstices on pattern

Postby Moini » Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:42 am

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Re: How to Remove blank interstices on pattern

Postby davidovic » Fri Jul 26, 2019 10:32 am


Thank you for responding

The Union trick works well only when the squares are empty. But, when shapes are set into squares the Union command doesn't work at all, any changes.

The overlap method is fastidious, manually and not precise.

I try also the Stitch filter of Ivan Louette, the result is not 100% perfect. He does the job but We still have shadows of the joints. I specify here that there is any stroke paint on the squares, but joints appear nevertheless.

The solution described in the video to pulling edges is not so efficient because when we pull edges the dimension of the square change and shapes on it also do the same. Then the pattern is not regular.

The issue is still open...

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Re: How to Remove blank interstices on pattern

Postby druban » Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:18 am

Have you tried tiled clones to see if that might be more useful for your design?
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Re: How to Remove blank interstices on pattern

Postby Lazur » Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:38 pm


I prefer overlapping as the final solution to the gap issue. If openclipart was still up I could link you some examples on complex images.

In a nutshell think of your paths as pieces of paper you glue toegether. You cannot glue paper pieces by their edges so you need either a "ducttape" backdrop to hold them together or the one lower in the z-order go over the edges of the one above.
The amount of necessary overlapping depends on the zoom level the image is rendered at -since the gap is always prevalent on the px level so you may want something more than just a few px overlapping depending on your image.

If you generated your image as a set of tiles next to eachother try to think in rooftiles or fishscales instead.
With tiled clones you can modify the shape later to add the overlapping and fill those gaps.

At this point, these are all generic notes.
Can we see a picture of what you are working with?

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Re: How to Remove blank interstices on pattern

Postby Polygon » Fri Jul 26, 2019 9:57 pm

This damn anti aliasing thingy is anoying - but we can not do much about it.
A trick before exporting is to select all and double (cmd+D) 1, 2 or 3 times which will eliminate the issue. Don´t forget to undo or you will be in trouble when altering the design. Adobe Illustrator is the only app I know which mastered this situation - unfortunately.
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Re: How to Remove blank interstices on pattern

Postby Lazur » Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:34 am

As far as I know, illustrator only uses oversampling which is basically the same as exporting at a larger size than scaling it down -thus it's rather a resource-heavy sugar coating.

Also it's not entirely the anti-aliasing's fault but how transparency is composited. Like, two rectangles with an 50% opacity above eachother don't add up to a 100% opaque fill. Same goes on the pixel level, on the aliased edges. One semi-transparent pixel is above the other semi-transparent one, thus the background shows through.

Duplicating the objects atop eachother makes the edge's fading from opaque to transparent steeper on the alpha channel -my assumption and experience is with that you just force the renderer a more aliased look -it doesn't solve the issue any bit.
Switching off anti-aliasing or using the pixellize filter does the exact same thing but more effectively.

On a side note it IS possible to have objects side by side and preserve anti-aliasing without the gap issue. It needs the alpha channel to add up.
With the composite filter primitive in arithmetic mode yo can achieve that.
However -it doesn't work right if you'd otherwise preserve semi-transparent gradients/fills aside the edges and
-it is cumbersome to implement manually with the filter editor: takes to pull in the objects with the image filter primitive one afer another and composite them in pairs. The filter editor handling the image filter primitive badly (transformations...; or the filter editor in general...) so it's more of a theoretical solution than a practical one.

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Re: How to Remove blank interstices on pattern

Postby druban » Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:52 am

Export at high resolution and sample down seems to still be the only way to go then. Hardly a difficult thing but not without its own problems from inkscape
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Re: How to Remove blank interstices on pattern

Postby davidovic » Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:14 pm

Hi Polygon,

Can you please upload an SVG file of your pics?


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Re: How to Remove blank interstices on pattern

Postby Moini » Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:19 pm

He just duplicated the object. To do the same, select it, then do Ctrl+D.
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