new sub-forum? -- Logos

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new sub-forum? -- Logos

Postby brynn » Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:02 am

Hi Friends,
I've noticed lately a few more topics asking for advice on logos, than we usually have. And we have had many questions and topics about logos over these few years. They range from asking for comments on existing logos, to how to create good logos, to asking for a voluteer to draw a logo. So I'm wondering if it might make sense to have a separate sub-forums on the topic of logos?

Just a thought :D

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Re: new sub-forum? -- Logos

Postby microUgly » Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:13 am

It's no surprise that there are many topics about Logos as vector tools are well suited for designing them.

I suspect a more suitable forum would be "Design", where members can discuss design theory not specific to Inkscape? I'm hesitant to make one specific to Logos as it's just too specific.

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