Jerky drawing in Inkscape for 64-bit Windows

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Jerky drawing in Inkscape for 64-bit Windows

Postby nikto » Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:54 am

Hello everyone, I just installed Inkscape to see the differences with Illustrator, unfortunately problems started immediately and I want to understand if it is an Inkscape o Windows problem.
I just started drawing a freeform path with the mouse and the "pencil" tool ... jerky. Basically I do not see in real time what I draw. Bad thing..
So I try to create shapes with the "pen" tool, but even these lines are not in real-time and jerky. Even moving handles in Bezier curves is jerky .......
I tried to look around and change some options in preferences .. but nothing worked
Can anyone help me figure out if there is something to set that I do not know?
I also tried using a graphic pen instead of a mouse but it's all jerky anyway.
My pc, as you can see, is very respectable, and the proof is that Photoshop, Illustrator, Krita and Cinema 4D work like a charm.
My PC configuration:
OS: Win 10 Pro x64,
Core: i7-3770K
Ram:16GB RAM DDR3 2133MHz
SSD: SAMSUNG 256 GB 840 Pro 2.5

I wait with hope ... thanks!
Last edited by nikto on Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jerky drawing in Windows

Postby brynn » Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:49 am

Neither the Pencil/Freehand or Pen/Bezier tools draw the actual path live. There's a light green line that shows you what you're doing. I can see how this might be unexpected, for someone who is new to vector graphics.

Typically in vector graphics, at least in my experience, the workflow is first draw, then edit. So first draw out the path with either Pen or Pencil, then switch to the Node tool to fine tune or "tweak" it. Then after that, typically I attach the style elements (color, opacity, stroke width, etc.).

The Pencil/Freehand tool, in its default configuration, does tend to be jerky. It also tends to add excessive number of nodes.

You'll want to look at the tool control bar, for options for all the tools. It's the 3rd bar from the top (not counting the window's titlebar) and the available options change, depending on which tool you're using. (All the other bars stay the same.) For the Pencil tool, I usually keep the Smoothing slider on 50. I would guess that's probably too high for most people. But I hardly ever use the Pencil anyway.

I also agree about the Pen/Bezier tool. I find it next to impossible to draw and adjust curves "on the fly" with the mouse. I guess everyone develops their own techniques. For me (NOT a sketch artist in the least!) I draw in Straight Line mode, and then after the path is finished, I switch to the Node tool, change certain nodes to smooth, and adjust the curves using node handles.

I've seen videos of people sketching curves with the Pen tool, and they seem to do quite well. I guess it probably takes a good deal of practice. Personally, I've given up on it. If I could sketch at all, I would probably try harder to learn it. But there's just no hope for me there :lol:

I also don't have a graphics tablet, for obvious reasons. So I couldn't give you much advice about that. I think tablet users typically use the Calligraphy tool with pressure sensitivity. But maybe some folks who use tablets can give you some advice about that, and using other tools with a tablet. (To prevent Calligraphy tool being jerky, I set Mass to 10....also probably too much for most people, but I hardly ever use it either.)

Drawing lines seems not to be very intuitive for many users. In response to complaints about that, I tried to write a tutorial to address that issue. But the bottom line is that paths (not lines) are the heart and soul of vector graphics. And they are much more complex than just "putting pen to paper" or "mouse to canvas". Anyway, for what it's worth, here's that tutorial: ... ;article=7

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Re: Jerky drawing in Windows

Postby nikto » Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:45 pm

I am a graphic designer and digital painter and I know very well how drawing tools work ...
I repeat ... for example, the pencil tool:
While you trace the path with the mouse you see a green track in real time right? In my case this track appears only every few milliseconds ...
I do not speak English well but I mean this for "jerky". I'm not talking about the rough edges of the path before the "smooth" application...
I'm talking about the green path visualization, it has always been in real time, I saw it on a friend's computer, but not in my case.
The proof that something is wrong: I installed the Inkscape x32 version and the bug is gone .....
So I repeat in a different way .. Why in Inkscape version x64 the path displaying stutters while drawing? ... And in the x32 not...?
I have an x64 system and I can't use the Inkscape x64 version....

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Re: Jerky drawing in Inkscape for 64-bit Windows

Postby tylerdurden » Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:14 pm

I can replicate the issue here. Win8.1 64bit.

The issue is not present on my 23bit XP system.

Could be this bug:

Issue resolves here by turning off rulers.

Please try with rules off, Nikto? Chime back and let us know.

Have a nice day.

I'm using Inkscape 0.92.2 (5c3e80d, 2017-08-06), 64 bit win8.1

The Inkscape manual has lots of helpful info!

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Re: Jerky drawing in Inkscape for 64-bit Windows

Postby brynn » Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:37 pm

Ok, I understand better now. With patience, we will understand and find solution.

Would you say this green line is "flashing" or "blinking" on and off?
Are you generally testing on a blank canvas? Or are you testing in an existing file? I wouldn't be surprised about this if you were working in a very large file (maybe over 10 mb file). It would be the result of Inkscape trying to work without enough RAM.

But if you are testing in new blank files, I have not heard this problem before. And to be honest, I probably don't have the necessary knowledge to sort it out. (although I certainly will follow with much interest!) But we do have people here who can help.

Just to be clear, so they have the info they need when they get here -- you tested both 32-bit and 64-bit of Inkscape on the same machine?

Which version of Inkscape? Version 0.91? Or did you get a development version?

Where did you download from?

OH! If version 0.91, try hiding the rulers in the 64-bit version. (View menu) If that fixes it, this is a known bug. I'll try to find the report. Or else someone else will know.

If that does't fix it, other members will be along with much more knowledge about how Inkscape works. (I know a lot about how to use Inkscape, but not much about what makes it work and why.)

Ah, tyler sneaked in just ahead of me ;)

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Re: Jerky drawing in Inkscape for 64-bit Windows

Postby nikto » Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:09 am

First of all thank you all for your help.
I turned off the rules and the problem is gone! Thanks so much!
Just one last thing: will this bug be fixed in the next version?

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Re: Jerky drawing in Inkscape for 64-bit Windows

Postby Moini » Sun Feb 07, 2016 3:12 am

Something doesn't work? - Keeping an eye on the status bar can save you a lot of time!

Inkscape FAQ - Learning Resources - Website with tutorials (German and English)

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