hi all!
why is it that if i have an expression of the form x_1 (I mean "1" is subscripted), and i want to change 1 to 2, the number loses its size? is it a bug, or am I understanding something wrong? I looked in the manual and the forums but couldn't find anything relevant.
Any suggestions?
modification of subscripted/superscripted text?
Re: modification of subscripted/superscripted text?
subscript and superscript are NEW features in 0.48, chances are this RESET to non-sub/superscript character (as you noted 'loses its size') is the way to tool works. You might want to OPEN a BLUEPRINT (feature request) at the Inkscape Launchpad site for the character to retain the setting vs resetting the character.
No disrepect intended to the Inkscape Development team. But, when it comes to Creating/Editing TEXT in inkscape you just have to be patient the TEXT editing has a long way to go when it comes to user friendliness/ease of use when compared to the other tools in Inkscape.
On the brightside, the developers acknowledge the TEXT tool needs improvements and the Tool Controls Bar enhancements in 0.48 are awesome.
>For some reason in 0.47 the help message in the notification display would display the font name when I selected a Text object, now in 0.48 it only displays Basic Sans SF and not the actual Font name anymore.
>The Font size in inkscape is defined as a PX setting and not a PT setting, so if you create text in Inkscape and then compare/export it to other software MSword, opendoc, scribus, etc the font sizes will NOT match.
No disrepect intended to the Inkscape Development team. But, when it comes to Creating/Editing TEXT in inkscape you just have to be patient the TEXT editing has a long way to go when it comes to user friendliness/ease of use when compared to the other tools in Inkscape.
On the brightside, the developers acknowledge the TEXT tool needs improvements and the Tool Controls Bar enhancements in 0.48 are awesome.
>For some reason in 0.47 the help message in the notification display would display the font name when I selected a Text object, now in 0.48 it only displays Basic Sans SF and not the actual Font name anymore.
>The Font size in inkscape is defined as a PX setting and not a PT setting, so if you create text in Inkscape and then compare/export it to other software MSword, opendoc, scribus, etc the font sizes will NOT match.
Re: modification of subscripted/superscripted text?
thanks for the reply. It did that before there was a dedicated tool for the job (I used to apply kerning manually and change the font size to create a subscript). There is no way to apply different 'settings' for individual letters inside a word, except for bold and italics.