Inkscape Board Meeting Transcript for Wednesday, 2014-11-26

Tavmjong================== Board Meeting ===================
TavmjongWho is here?
* imageconstructor
Tavmjongbryce, doctomon, JonCruz, karen, tedg, Scislac ?
karenhi Tavmjong!
Tavmjonghi karen!
TavmjongI think Scislac will be a bit late.
karenI've been sick this past week but I think my action item of getting you the FSA from Tony is done, thanks to Tony :D
* bryce heys
Tavmjongkaren, Great! Have you sent it out yet?
karenTavmjong, you guys didn't get it?
karenlet me check
Tavmjongkaren, not that I know of...
bryceI've not afaik
karenwhoops! He sent it just to me
karenwill pass it on
TavmjongFSA (Fiscal Sponsership Agreement) for those that don't know... our agreement with the SFC.
* Moini ( has joined #inkscape-devel
karensorry about that all
karenjust eyeballing it first
Tavmjongkaren, OK, so we can discuss it via email or at next weeks meeting.
TavmjongTopic: Hackfest -------------
TavmjongI think someone had a revised, revised version of The Pitch. Has it been put on the Hackfest page?
bryceworking on it
* FailBit
karenactually, I think Tony misunderstood. he has weekly meetings as the default way of carrying on business by the PLC
bryceran it by my wife and she did some copyediting.  She's a gradeschool teacher so had to print it out to redline, so I gotta re-type.  :-P
brycesome particulars she mentioned...
bryceshe thought "buy a developer a beverage" makes it sound like we're going to be boozing it up and suggest dropping that
brycealso suggested that instead of buy lunch for hackfest, to do a Business level at $500, and a Corporate level at $5000
bryceor something quite high like that
Tavmjongbryce, I kind of agree about the beverage thing...
brycealso, offering perks for the corporate level, like including their logo on promotional materials or what not
brycesomething to give them extra justification for the sponsorship, that wouldn't cost us much
Tavmjongbryce, What promotional material would we be producing?
Tavmjongbryce, We could put their logo on the Hackfest page.
brycedon't know.  She was thinking like the conference web page and/or donation page, if we have brochures or handouts or presentation templates, etc. those'd be places.
Tavmjongbryce, I kind of like the "Business level" rather than lunch as $500 for lunch for 12 hackers seems like a lot.
bryceher original suggestion was "on your booth banner" but I admitted we didn't have a booth
bryceyeah, that was what she suggested
bryceone sec, children issue, bbias
TavmjongWe might have a few talks at LGM where we could display the logo.
TavmjongWho's thinking about giving a talk at LGM?
karenwell you could put up a banner in the room with a sponsor name/logo
karenyeah that works too
karengood suggestions by your wide, bryce!
TavmjongWhile we wait for bryce, any status report on the Donation page design?
TavmjongWho is doing the final design?
brycesorry, ok where was I
Tavmjongbryce, Ways to reward sponsers...
bryceoh last suggestion she metioned having an amount that is like the equiv of half an Adobe Illustrator license
bryce(or perhaps a full license equivalent cost)
TavmjongHow much is a license?
brycedunno.  few hundred I'm guessing?
doctormonbryce: Actually MO from Red"Hat had that idea ages ago
brycerest is just copyedits which I'll factor in
doctormonI'd save that one for a yearly subscription offering
brycedoctormon, ah not a bad idea
Tavmjong25Euros/month for Illustrator (Individual)
JonCruzTavmjong: is that a monthly thing, or "easy payments" for an annual?
bryce$360/yr + tax
JonCruzTavmjong: that sounds backwards. $ is less
JonCruzShould be $31.26 currently
TavmjongJonCruz, It appears to be monthly. And yes, that seems backwards but it is what it is showing. It's the "Euro" tax.
doctormonJonCruz: Never heard of RipOff Britain? Well known difference in prices between US and EU because of taxes and various other factors.
JonCruzTavmjong: beats the AU tax
bryce$240/yr individual, $360/yr business
JonCruzWhere flying from AU to the US, buying the box there, then flying back was cheaper than buying in AU
TavmjongYea, prices are often the same in $, Euros, and pounds; ignoring exchange rates.
JonCruzsame would be ok... but reverted is eeeks
doctormonPrices for these things are arbitrary anyway. That's why open source is important to capitalists ;-)
Tavmjong1 Euro = 1.25 Dollars
TavmjongOK, back to business...
TavmjongSo we could have a $120 level.
Tavmjong... which fills in a bit of the gap between $50 and $500
* bryce nods
Tavmjongbryce, You'll take an action to update The Pitch?
bryceone other thing, we need to be sure to highlight that donations are tax deductable.  For some people that'll be a huge selling point.
brycebesides we go to ample trouble to ensure we can say that, so we should!  :-)
TavmjongThen back to my earlier question: Who is doing the actual donations page?
TavmjongLast week's mock-up:
JonCruzoh, yes. End of the year tax deductible push is good, as people suddenly start to think about IRS and consequences
karenyes definitely
TavmjongSo we need the page up and advertised before the end of the year!
karenas a piece of inside info, Conservnacy is going to do an end of year campaign pretty soon
ScislaCSorry, traffic was worse than expected.
brycere: coordination/timing, I'm pretty confident we can have the release out before EOY
doctormonTavmjong: you mean
Tavmjongdoctormon, Yes, but it renders poorly in Firefox.
doctormonBitmap it then
doctormon(also download available on that page)
* Tavmjong Why does it look good in Inkscape but not Firefox?
ScislaCit looks fine in crhome
ScislaCchrome even
doctormonlooks good in my Firefox
brycerevision work done -
ScislaCdoctormon: looks bad in my Firefox too
doctormonFirefox v33 - Ubuntu
bryceI've got 33 here, and it looks ok
TavmjongFirefox v33.1 - Fedora    Could be a font thing?
brycewell, regardless, next step here should be to paste those bits into an actual django page
karenweird there's no picture in epiphany
brycewho want's this task?  Be a great way to dip your toes in django, shouldn't be too terribly hard.
doctormonUnder Donate > Hackfest 2015 ?
doctormonbryce: The design requires absolutely no django, just html in the cms and probably a bit of css.
ScislaCFirefox 33 here-
brycedoctormon, well, presuming we have a top level Hackfest 2015 page for the event itself, where would that go?
doctormonTop level? So either not in the menu at all, or we'd take away one of the other top level items. (which I wouldn't want to do)
brycedoctormon, well by django I mean using the web administrative tool, not hacking on the guts.  :-)
Tavmjongdoctormon, That might be hiding it too far down. We might temporarily replace our Donate page with the Hackfest one.
ScislaCTavmjong: +1 to that
brycedoctormon, sheesh my phrasing is sucking today
bryceI mean top level in the sense of like main landing page for the event.  Not suggesting top level in the menu
TavmjongHey, you don't have to be a board member to volunteer!
bryceso like would you want Contribute -> Hackfests, or Develop -> Events -> Hackfest 2015, or ...?
MoiniI'll do it, on two conditions: 1) I need a good picture which we may use (so someone needs to ask) 2) doctormon needs to allow some more tags/css stuff in the editor, or we won't get any green boxes.
brycehmm, although now that I think about it, having the donation "campaign" as a sub-item under Donate makes a huge amount of sense.  We can just cross-link there from whereever we put other hackfest pages
doctormonbryce, Moini:
Tavmjongdoctormon, Can you help out Moini?
bryceMoini, thanks!
TavmjongI can do the asking about permission to use the photo.
doctormonMoini and I are help buddies  Tavmjong :-)
MoiniTav, Thanks!
MoiniSo, is the alternate pitch agreed on?
doctormonMoini: Dot he green boxes and pass me the css, I'll add it to main.css as a core style. We can add class attributes right?
MoiniNot sure.
karenoh! on the text we should say: All donations are fully tax deductable *to the extent permitted by law*
Moinidoctormon, Yes.
karenbecause they will not be deductible to all donors, depending on where they are
doctormonAbout to reset the webserver, hold hats
brycekaren, ok
karenthanks bryce
Tavmjong$5 – ??
* FailBit tightly gripping hat
Tavmjong$120 – Half of a year's subscription to a proprietary drawing program.
TavmjongMoini, I would go ahead with the Alternative Pitch language and then we can tweak it if necessary.
MoiniTav, great!
bryceok, updated with those suggestions
brycenot sure what to say for $5.  open to suggestions
brycecould make it $10 and say "Buys one lunch"
bryceor Covers one lunch or whatever
bryceTavmjong, maybe we can do a show of hands for if everyone prefers the current Alt Pitch, so we can drop the other text?
bryce+1 Alt Pitch
Tavmjong+1 Alt Pitch
doctormonMoini: Did you have a patch for allowing styles in the chkeditor?
ScislaC+1 Alt Pitch
Moinidoctormon, no, I only know that this requires editing of a settings file for CKEditor.
TavmjongJonCruz, tedg: Opinions on pitch? Anybody else?
MoiniWho has the donation button details?
bryceI do
brycewhere should I post them?
JonCruz+1 Alt Pitch
MoiniBryce, you could paste them in directly - or put them into your Inkscape, as long as there are no privacy concerns
bryceI'll paste them at, one sec
Tavmjongbryce, I think we can drop the original pitch text.
MoiniBryce, thanks, I meant Inkspace, of course ;)
bryceTavmjong, great, will do.  It'll still be in the page changelog history for reference
TavmjongAny other urgent business as I'll be needing to go soon.
doctormonbryce: You editing the page on live or is that Moini?
brycebtw I also got Bradley's directions for querying the donation amounts from Ledger.
MoiniThat's me.
brycedoctormon, I've only been editing the Hackfest2015 wiki page
doctormonoh ok. I updated config.js to test the styles
bryceone last thing...  I'd like all board members to send in their gpg pubkeys
doctormonMoini: Looks like you have full access to the style sheets. Also you knocked out my resized photo, so I'm about to put it back.
JonCruzaaagh. keys. bleah. management
brycewell, board members plus anyone administrating anything, so that includes doctormon
* Ademan (~dan@ has joined #inkscape-devel
Tavmjongdoctormon, We need to get permission to use the photo first...
JonCruzany suggestions on keygen? I think I'm about due
doctormonTavmjong: understood, Moini I'm holding off on the photo.
doctormonbryce: I'm a non-bored member ;-)
bryceJonCruz, steps 1, 2, and 3 of
JonCruzRSA 4096 bit still good?
bryceJonCruz, shouldn't it?
bryceJonCruz, yes:  "Pick RSA with a keylength of 4096 bits"
bryceTavmjong, ok good point to close the meeting.
TavmjongSee you all next week (if not before)...
doctormonThanks Tavmjong
ScislaCThanks everyone, sorry I was late.

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