Author Topic: wrong stars  (Read 4810 times)

February 21, 2017, 02:28:08 AM
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Hey, I just noticed I need to fix the stars, which reverted to defaults when we reinstalled all the themes.  But I'll have to do it tomorrow.  Now, time for sleep   :-D

("stars" are now asterisk, but used to be colored squares that indicate member level and group (5 purple for IC Mentor group, 1 yellow for Newbie, etc)

PS - another new all time high for human visitors yesterday!    :vw:

hhm, extra smiley page is backwards too - need to fix
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February 21, 2017, 03:56:14 AM
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Yes, noticed those stars missing -as far as I remember I pointed it out at a previous system refresh. 

All I can see is the bottom lines of the forum front page about visitors:
Quote (selected)
Most Online Today: 9. Most Online Ever: 72 (March 26, 2015, 05:50:22 AM)

February 22, 2017, 09:36:16 PM
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Ok, stars are all fixed.

Do you mean there's something wrong with that?  Or do you mean that's all you see for the Users Online section?
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February 23, 2017, 12:03:43 PM
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Mentioned it because the all time high is captured differently on that public field.
Probably because the bottom line shows all time most users online simaltaneously and not most users online in a 24 hour period.
Just guessing.
The wording doesn't give a straight information, at least it was confusing to me.
Recent values:
Quote (selected)
Most Online Today: 14. Most Online Ever: 72

Does it mean in the latest 24 hour period there was a short moment when 14 people were present at the same time?
By the "users logged in today" line below, showing 11 it can imply there were 14 users online whom 11 were logged in.
And that 72 visitors a day was the all time high human visitors.

February 23, 2017, 08:15:01 PM
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Mentioned it because the all time high is captured differently on that public field.

Differently than what?  Than it used to be?  Or different from another block or stat somewhere else?

I recently changed that last block, Users Logged in Last 24 Hours.  It used to be Users Logged In Today.  I happened to come across the options while re configuring after the last upgrades, etc. and decided to try it.  There's a 3rd option as well, Users Logged in Last 7 days.  (There are hundreds, if not thousands of options for managing and admin-ing this kind of forum.  Some of them are quite obscure, in my opinion.  If I haven't had to deal with some particular option in a couple of years, sometimes I even forget how to do it, and I have to look it up again.  Sometimes I run into options that I don't remember ever seeing before, and decide to try it.  And there are plenty of options that I don't even understand, which I leave alone, haha.)

So for Users Logged In Today, every morning, at midnight, it would reset to 0 names.  And names would be added as each person visited that day.  Then by midnight, I assume the  Most Online Today would match Users Logged In Today.

Did you ever notice that, before?  I couldn't say that I ever really noticed.

Currently I like the Users Logged in Last 24 Hours, because it never resets to zero.  And the names are in the order that they logged in.  There's another option for them to be in alphabetical order.  There's also an option not to show Users Online at all.  (I think it helps to build community, so that's why I have it displayed.)

I think the Most Online Today statistic is measured from 12:00:00 am to 11:59:59 pm.  I just changed how the block below that works.
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February 24, 2017, 12:15:43 AM
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Differently than what?  Than it used to be?  Or different from another block or stat somewhere else?

Different than that stat:

another new all time high for human visitors yesterday! 

As the most users online captured is still at March 2015, don't see it as February 2017.

February 24, 2017, 04:05:43 AM
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Oh, that's because I'm looking at an analytics program that I use (piwik).  It just measures human visitors, whether they are members or not.   I wasn't referring to the forum's report of Most Online Ever. 

It's not clear exactly where the Most Online Ever info comes from.  I don't think it could be members only, but I could also be wrong.  I read a topic on the SMF support forum (a long time ago), where even long time users were confused about where that info comes from.  I'm not sure if I ever saw the end of the discussion, so I still don't know.  But my impression was that how the forum software measures visitors, well, it's sort of like Inkscape's rulers - they aren't visually precise, and we only use them as a guide, and not for true measurements.  I guess that's the case for any  website analytics, really.

But you know, I might have been wrong when I said that Most Online Today was based on 12 am midnight to 11:59:59 pm.  Because it's almost 5 am here, right now, and it's showing 17 online today.  But really, it's doubtful there have been 17 members already since midnight.  So maybe it IS adjusted according to "last 24 hours"?

Maybe I'll look into it more, this weekend>

You could try searching the SMF support forum yourself, if you want to learn more about these things.  Or even post yourself.  Or search the User Manual:
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