
Author Topic: Challenges, where to begin  (Read 4056 times)

October 01, 2013, 11:34:54 PM
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Hi ,

I'm so glad to see a space for challenges here.
I've learned a lot from challenges, even the ones I never dared post any images for.
Where should we begin though?
summer is over and the weather is getting nippy,
any ideas for an Autumn drawing challenge?

October 02, 2013, 06:34:37 PM
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As I often have trouble remembering myself, we're only going into Autumn in the northern hemisphere.  For example, in Australia, they're going into Spring!

But what about Halloween?  I know screencasters have a couple of Halloween-related tutorials ( and  Or there are always a lot of haunted houses these days, especially for charities, etc.  Maybe a Halloween party invitation, or poster for a haunted house?

Hhhmm....maybe I'll try a spooky tree....  Or we could go very simple, and just say -- draw a leaf?

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October 03, 2013, 12:23:29 AM
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oh yes, Halloween!
I like the idea of doing a party invitation.
Leaves and harvest motifs would be great for November.
I saw the cutest Halloween costume today, and until then I had totally forgotten Halloween was so close.
I'll try to come up with an idea for a party theme and invitation.
thanks for posting the links for the tutorials, I have to go check them out.

Edit: Rather than double posting I decided to just add to this post.
I've tried a few ideas for Halloween party invitations,but so far I totally hate everything I've come up with.
I like dimensional know, the kind with pop-ups, window cut-outs,wierd shapes, and paper sculptured bits that make the card hard to mail, but those
dont look good at all when you post them as drawings. I Think I will just start over and try to come up with a new idea.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 02:07:59 PM by Inkspots »