
Author Topic: Hyperlinks in Inkscape  (Read 7003 times)

April 10, 2016, 10:31:52 AM
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Hello Community!

After a long time of googling I still found nothing about creating a hyperlink in Inkscape, so I figured it might just not be possible.
So my question here is if thats true and if something will be done about that, because I created my CV in Inkscape and would be very happy to create hyperlinks. Sure I can do so in a PDF editor, but this is just unnedessary extra work.

April 10, 2016, 12:38:07 PM
Reply #1


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Welcome aboard!

You can, if you stick with svg.
See the related part of the manual.

As far as I could see it most people don't know about svg, maybe it's not a good idea to hand out your cv in that format.

April 10, 2016, 05:09:45 PM
Reply #2


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I'm so old  :uhoh:  So you want to put your CV online then?  I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work.  Although read on.

I wish Inkscape's text tool could work a little more like a text editor.  Regular text won't wrap in Inkscape.  But depending on your info, you may not need multiple lined items in your CV.  Note that if you use Flowed Text, the text will wrap.  But it will probably not show up online (because it's not an SVG standard, and never will be) (but it's otherwise so useful, the developers keep it).

Flowed Text is created when you drag out a text box before you start typing.  To create regular text, just click once and start typing.  If you've already created a lot of flowed text, you can convert to regular text using Text menu > Convert to Text.  You might have to reformat certain things after that, depending what you've done.  But you can use snapping and guides for formatting and alignment.

The snapping info is a little outdated in the manual.  But here's a beginners tutorial:  Or you can also consult the manual, if necessary (Help menu > Inkscape manual)

Personally, when I write tutorials using Inkscape, I start with regular text, and then use the Enter key (called Return when I first learned to type!) when I get to the end of the line.  So it's not unlike typing on an old fashioned typewriter, haha.

Let us know how it goes  :)
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