Author Topic: Missing elements when importing emf file generated with power point  (Read 1785 times)

December 12, 2017, 02:35:58 AM
Read 1785 times


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Hi all.

I'm trying to use inkscape to convert to eps some images generated in power point. In particular, to keep the vector format of the picture, I save them as emf files, I open them in inkscape and then I save them. When doing this with simple geometries created in power point everything works, but yesterday I tried with more advanced one and I'm having two separate problems, depending on the picture I'm trying to load in inkscape:

1: inkscape is not able at all to open the file and it crashes, saying that: "Inkscape encountered an internal error and will close now."

2: inkscape is able to open the file but some part of the file are missing, like curve plots or equations.

The emf file are not corrupted because if I try to import them in any other Office program (excel, word, etc.) they work fine.

Am I doing something wrong? is there something you could suggest me to do?

I'm attaching as an example two emf files. "Picture1" gives the first problem, "Picture2" gives the second one.

Thanks in advance
  • Inkscape 0.92.1 r15371
  • Windows 7

December 12, 2017, 03:54:39 AM
Reply #1


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Welcome to the forum!

I have the same experience with Picture1.  Do you have any idea which element is causing the problem?

I can open the Picture2 file, but of course I would have no idea what is missing.  Can you say specifically what is not being displayed?

I searched bug reports and found quite a few.  But none that sounded like they might fit your experience.  I don't have much knowledge about using Inkscape with other formats besides SVG.  And I don't have powerpoint either.  My best guess is that whatever the problem elements are, they are powerpoint features which have no SVG equivalent.  But that is a pretty blind guess.

If no one else posts an answer with a solution, I would suggest consulting the developers.  The easiest way would be the development IRC.  Find the address on this page:  You're welcome to link them to this thread for the test files.

They can also be reached via mailing list

There....well, there used to be Inkscape extensions which allowed writing math formulas and other special text.  I'm not sure if there still is....  Possibly this:  (When you said "equations" I'm not sure if you meant the actual equations or their plots.  So if it's actual equations that are missing, you might try installing that extension.  If nothing else, maybe you  could type them in Inkscape?)
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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