
Author Topic: Inkscape 0.92 installation on OSX  (Read 25598 times)

January 13, 2017, 03:30:27 AM
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Hi guys, I have a question regarding the installation of Inkscape 0.92 on a mac through macports (I hope to not be banned since this is my first post and didn't talk exactly about Inkscape itself)

The download page of Inkscape's site says that is possible to install it through macports "as a native Quartz build" that to me sounds like no X11 is required.

I followed the pretty straightforward instructions and typed sudo port install inkscape +quartz in the terminal but the resulting installed Inkscape version is the normal X11 dependent one.

I would like to know if I'm doing something wrong or if I misunderstood the meaning of "native Quartz build". Someone managed to install the quartz version on a mac? how?

Thanks in advance to everyone :)

January 13, 2017, 03:43:20 PM
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For support for your macports questions, it's best to create a ticket at

(see also:

January 13, 2017, 06:27:55 PM
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Hi guys, I have a question regarding the installation of Inkscape 0.92 on a mac through macports (I hope to not be banned since this is my first post and didn't talk exactly about Inkscape itself)

If you're talking about installing Inkscape, you're talking about Inkscape.  No worries!  And welcome to the forum  :)

Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of Mac users here (yet).  You could try either a mailing list or IRC.  Info on both can be found here:

And there have been a number of messages to the mailing list already about these changes for Mac users.  The ones I see at a glance are about Sierra and zesty.  The mailing list archives are here, and the messages all appear for this month (so you don't have to search around much)

And on the other Inkscape forum:  It's not exactly your same question, but there are comments in that thread from the person (~suv or su_v on IRC) who packaged 0.92 for Macs, so you can probably get some good info fro there, and maybe enough to solve your problem.

I'm pretty sure she's keeping an eye on IRC while people sort out the issues with this change.  So you could try IRC too.  (just be patient if you don't get an immediate response - if you wait, you will get a response - it's just the the person who has y our answer might not happen to be there when you post)

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January 13, 2017, 07:47:33 PM
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Actually, the current policy is to redirect users who have difficulties with the macports to the macports bug tracker.
It's not an official source, and people in the project aren't familiar with it.
The user mailing list may work, too, if another user had the same problem - but their bugtracker will probably yield the better and faster results.

January 13, 2017, 09:44:53 PM
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Well, just trying to provide as many resources as possible.

I just saw this video posted to the mailing list.  Maybe can help?

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January 14, 2017, 03:07:01 PM
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Thanks to everybody for your answers.

Probably the right move by me would have been to ask to trac.macports, but since that looks more like a bug tracker than a place to make questions I asked here before.

reading here and there I think I understood the riddle and here is what I think I understood:

The difference between the X11 and the Quartz version of Inkscape 0.92 for mac installed through macports is in the way the graphic in handled inside the program and not in the program itself, so Inkscape in both versions needs a version of X11 (in my case is Xquartz) installed in the mac to work.

I hope this is the right interpretation of the thing and I write it here just in case someone else with a mac would need to know.
If I'm wrong and someone knows more about it I hope the knowledge will be shared

January 14, 2017, 05:54:06 PM
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As I mentioned, we don't happen to have many Mac users here right now.  But keep checking back over next few weeks and months.  Maybe someone will come along who can help to clear it up. 

Have fun with Inkscape  :)
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January 16, 2017, 11:50:13 AM
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Hi there,

I followed the pretty straightforward instructions and typed sudo port install inkscape +quartz in the terminal but the resulting installed Inkscape version is the normal X11 dependent one.

I also installed through macports (MacOS Sierra) and my feeling at the of the installation was exactly the same as yours..".What the this supposed to be like this or did i messed something up along the way?"

so the native thing... i really cant see where its coming from... but im still exploring though.

January 17, 2017, 02:31:55 AM
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What i think I understand is that the native part, and so the use of quartz instead of X11, is meant for the way Inkscape handles the graphic inside itself and not because the quartz version is a native osx citizen app.
So the quartz version still needs X11 to run but theoretically it should handle the graphic through quartz and so be faster in some way.

Since the two versions shouldn't work well together (maybe they don't work at all together) is not so easy to see if there's any difference in the performance for me but I decided for the quartz version.

All this is what I've figured out by reading here and there, nothing official

January 28, 2017, 08:32:24 PM
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Hi Inkscape - et all, I too am a newbie to Inkscape, though VERY psyched to have found it. I have an error in Terminal stating: “If you can reproduce this crash, please file a bug at with a detailed description of the steps leading to the crash, so we can fix it.”  I hope this is the correct place to report bugs?!

I’m on a MacBook Pro, Sierra 10.12.3, attempting to install 0.92, I’ve never had Inkscape, & this is a very CLEAN Mac. Pls note I am also new to ‘Terminal installs’ & extremely new to “builds” (Yikes!). 1st attempt with “Homebrew”, Sierra was 10.12.2, from: . Inkscape 0.92 DID install albeit, with issues, as follows:

(1)”WARNING ** Inkscape has received additional data from the script executed. The script did not return an error, but this may indicate the results will not be as expected.” -Warning in Terminal

(2) These -Errors appeared in all Extensions:  “Inkscape has received additional data from the script executed.  The script did not return an error, but this may indicate the results will not be as expected.   

The fantastic lxml wrapper for libxml2 is required by and therefore this extension.Please download and install the latest version from, or install it through your package manager by a command like: sudo apt-get install python-lxml

Technical details:
No module named lxml”

Fyi, there was also NO ‘Paint Bucket’ Tool (fill bounding areas), NOR an Icon of the Inkscape app for the Dock, merely an “Alias” of a blank Doc (blank page) as the Icon.

I searched for answers but not knowing what I’m doing in terminal (what exactly to paste, again EXTREME newb) I messed up the application. Also not knowing HOW to uninstall Inkscape from Terminal, I erased ALL & did a Reinstall which became Sierra 10.12.3

Install of 0.92 attempt #2 via: installed 0.91 not 0.92? (I believe a ‘Homebrew’ change.)

Erased/reinstalled, attempt #3 via Macports / Xcode which took an incredible amount of time, “SEEMED” to complete, but in the end there was no actual (everything else but an .app file, I checked hidden files.)

Concerned I installed excess via Terminal, I again erased/reinstalled OS to install Inkscape 0.91 via the site’s .dmg file. This had SOME issues in extensions, e.g. COLOR > LESS SATURATION, COLOR in general -does NOT stay, it flashes for a second before disappearing.

Thinking 0.92 NEEDED to have 0.91 installed FIRST, as an upgrade? I proceeded to again (via Macports) install the 0.92 “upgrade”. But what installed was a separate application, BOTH 0.91 & 0.92 were there. I'm able to open both independently, but this 0.92 has massive Terminal warnings (pls see attached file: “IS92TerminalWarnings.pdf”) & Terminal prompted 0.92 to close. HOWEVER… Inkscape provided an “Unexpected quit” window (see attached screenshots) with the OPTION to re-open 0.92 & it did… I checked -version was 0.92, Paint Bucket WAS there with errors in Extensions, also now the Dock Icon of the app is an “EXEC” Icon.

Hope this is helpful, Sigh! THANK YOU to all who’ve created this, I can’t wait to use it!! Q: must I yet again erase/reinstall the OS or is there a way to uninstall 0.92 files without hurting 0.91?? Thoughts?? Thank you for the help, hope to have a stable ‘upgrade’ to 0.92! Clearly I’m not capable of the install via Terminal. :’(

January 29, 2017, 01:19:58 AM
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Welcome to the forum!

No this is not the bug tracker.  But there's no evidence yet that your problems are a bug.

I've seen several reports from Mac users who installed with Macports, and everything seems to have worked properly, but later they couldn't find Inkscape.  I guess we're still advising people who need help with Macports, to contact them.  But it would be nice if we could give them the answer.

Did you find and/or follow the installation instructions here?  I think if you follow those instructions, you'll at least get rid of the fantastic wrapper error.

If you did not follow those instructions, then I would suggest uninstalling everything, including personal preferences.  (In Windows, the uninstaller offers an option to keep or delete them.  I assume the Mac installion does too, but don't really know.)  Do a clean installation, which means getting rid of every trace of the previous versions.  Then start over and use those instructions.

I'm not sure exactly how things work on a Mac, but for Windows, a clean install....well really, a clean installation has more to do with uninstalling previous versions.  After you do whatever you do to uninstall a program, it sometimes leave some empty folders behind.  I think most of the time it's not that important, but the expert advice always calls for a clean installation.  And since you've done so much installing and uninstalling, there may be some leftovers.

No, 0.91 does not need to be installed first.  And it's important to uninstall the previous version first.

I don't know of any reason why you would need to reinstall your operating system.  But I imagine there must be forums and other ways to get support for using the Mac terminal.

After you do a clean install using those instructions, let us know what happens.  Don't try any further uninstall or reinstall (of Inkscape).  Just do it once, and tell us what happens.  It's important for troubleshooting to take one step at a time, and it's hard....well, it's impossible to figure out what's wrong, with your report of 4 attempts.  If there is a problem with Inkscape, we can tell you where to report it.

Actually, now that I read that page more closely, it looks like the only way to get version 0.92 is to use macports.  So we might not be able to help at all.  But if you're able to find out from macports support what's causing the problem where you can't find Inkscape after installing it, would you let us know?
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January 29, 2017, 07:00:27 AM
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Hi Brynn! Thanks for the quick reply & the welcome!! I thought I did follow those “instructions”… it’s HOW I knew of Macports. But to be honest as a non developer, a non programer or the likes, these “instructions”, for ME, never having done a TERMINAL install, are incredibly vague. I had to search: HOW to install Macports.

I’ve used Macs (& only Macs) for some 27/28ish years & have NEVER, EVER heard of Macports. Seriously. But again not a developer, nor a programer or the likes.

Pls see my screenshots, I WAS able to install 0.92 via Macports, I somehow was able to launch the “EXEC” file, so kept it on my Dock (think alias) to relaunch… it’s just not what I would call stable. 0.92 had also originally installed via Homebrew, again not stable.

Actually, I hadn’t done ANY “uninstalling”. On a Mac to do a “CLEAN” install, you first ERASE EVERYTHING in Recovery Mode (this includes personal preference, not an option). Mac hasn’t really an Uninstall, you’re meant to put applications in TRASH. Most uninstalls (some are built into individual programs) still leave behind hidden files, folders, etc. “AppCleaner” for Mac is very good, as it uninstalls & trashes the .app & all hidden files. But as there was NO, it could not find all the ‘hidden’ files that I could see WERE installed. By doing the thorough ERASE, as I did, it’s a way to start fresh with NOTHING, —at all left behind, then you have to actually install the OS, (or reinstall, because doing this erases the OS too,) which takes it back to factory settings.

So for each & every Install of Inkscape I did (2 via Homebrew, 2 via Macports  & via the .dmg) I did so FRESH after a thorough erase. Meaning each time was one install, why I explained my entire process, with the different approaches.

TY, good to know 0.91 would need to be UNINSTALLED prior to installing 0.92. Also sorry, when I went to “report a bug” I was lead to this page, but clearly I’m so lost, I didn’t even know this wasn’t a bug. Also tks, I will head over to Macports to see if I can find a solution there for this issue & if so I WILL indeed share that here!! Appreciate your help, forum & time!  :ty1:

January 29, 2017, 07:29:32 AM
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I have the impression macports is relatively new.

Maybe some hope on the horizon.  I've just heard from someone who wants to help package a DMG version.  Not sure how fast it might happen, or even if it will happen, for sure.  But I've put them in touch with developers.

Over the years both Windows versions and Mac versions have been hard to provide, at one time or another.  It all depends on having people with the right skills to do the packaging.  I remember around version 0.44 or 0.45, there was a long wait for a Windows version.  Inkscape always works on Linux, since it's primarily developed for Linux.
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January 29, 2017, 09:19:19 AM
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Nice, it would be amazing to have a .DMG version for Mac... a life saver for some of us! Ahem, me!  :beg:

January 29, 2017, 09:43:12 AM
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For the error message about the missing lxml python module, please ask at, in their bug tracker, or try to find a Mac user on IRC or on the user mailing list. This is not how it's supposed to be, the module should be included and working after the installation has finished.

I assume you will just need to install lxml for OS X, though, but I may be wrong, or it doesn't work for some reason...

January 29, 2017, 09:48:21 PM
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Hi Brynn & Moini,

All right, I did as suggested, yet another CLEAN install of 0.92 using Macports (& Xcode) instructions --VERBATIM, (& to the best of my limited Terminal installation comprehension). Since you requested that I let you know 'what happened', once again Inkscape files installed but not the actual When attempting to launch Inkscape in Terminal the response was "nothing to do". And Inkscape never launched on this install. (I will attach a copy of the Terminal info...)

I also attempted to find some help on Macports & let them know of the issues but honestly, every conversation was in programmer/developer languages that I don't possess, (not being a programmer/developer). Although part of this MAY have something to do with that py27-readline, however I've not a clue as to what that is/means/does etc., then I'm not even clear as to what Moini meant by: "try to find a Mac user on IRC"?! IRC????? "Internet Relay Chat", sorry IF that's correct, I also have no clue as to what that is.

I believe I gave the 0.92 "builds" some really decent efforts, especially for not knowing WHAT I'm doing, but unfortunately, nothing has worked, at least not for me... :b1: not YET! Thank you for the quick replies & effort!

January 29, 2017, 11:26:14 PM
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Maybe Moini can make some sense out of the teminal readout, but probably not enough to solve the problem (I'm guessing).

Did you ask them to simplify the answer for you, at macports?  Did they not want to?  Or maybe they tried, but it still wasn't simple enough?  If I want something bad enough, I'll keep asking until I get an answer I can understand.

Regarding Moini's comment (not sure if it was in this thread, but regarding macports install for Inkscape) about telling Inkscape users to contact macport support.  I have to say (and I probably will do so soon on the mailing list, since I inserted myself into a similar message about trouble with macports) that if we are requiring Mac users to use Macports, we ought to be able to provide support.  While some people have praised that decision,  respectfully, they aren't handling the fallout.

Don't worry cc.  I'm determined to find the answer for this, in simple enough language for me, not even a Mac user, to understand.  I am not understanding the developers' decision in this matter.  But as I said, I hope to soon.

Meanwhile, at least you can install version 0.91 using the DMG version.  And you can use that for the next few days (hopefully not weeks) until I get the answer from the mailing list (or wherever I end up getting it).  Maybe I'll even try IRC (yes, it's internet chat, which I normally don't visit, because it often moves too fast for my slow brain, especially when there are several discussions happening all at the same time).  (You have to use a special program to access it - I guess Mac might have one built in, or otherwise you'll need to search the internet for an "IRC client for Mac-your version here".

As I re-read your messages, it sounds like you have a functioning version of 0.91.  Is that correct?  Or is there a problem with it?  If there is, we'll try and get that working for you, for the time being.
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January 30, 2017, 10:46:08 AM
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Nothing from macports…

Yes, Moini’s comment is in this ^ thread… Regarding your comment: “if we are requiring Mac users to use Macports, we ought to be able to provide support”, oh support would be so great, because there is a disconnect —somehow.

After as many attempts as I’ve done to install 0.92, although I’m fairly positive, that I’ve installed both Xcode & Macports properly, & I have used the correct versions for OS 10.12.3; terminal installations are ALL new to me, & I am FAR from a programmer or developer, << this bears repeating!

So obviously more clarity on the installation process is important. Because as a side note, I’m also quite sure there are MANY Mac users, that would be inclined to make amazing use of a program such as INKSCAPE —who also would have no programming know how, at all. At ALL, (*ahem* just like me).

Yes, I have 0.91, (whew) so in the mean time, I will work with that. Ah, well since I’d no idea what IRC was, I know not of the ‘special program’ to access it. Lol, I did search the internet, how I found out WHAT IRC stood for…

THANK YOU for being determined regarding getting to the ANSWER for Mac OS, much appreciated!!

January 30, 2017, 04:10:27 PM
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Sorry for the lingo, IRC is such a normal term for me, I forgot that it might not be normal for everyone... :-(

You can access the inkscape user chat via our website, if you do not want to install a chat client software: (you need an account at for that)

You can also try if the homebrew option works for you:
(it's another way to do it, similar to macports, but different)

@Brynn: we do not give support for macports, because that option was not supplied by members of the project, but by macports itself. They requested that bugs go to them, so they can fix them. I do not see a benefit in having users ask us, then one of us needs to go ask them, then we come back and play messenger back and forth. Let the macports people do that directly. This will be faster for everyone.

January 30, 2017, 05:10:28 PM
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Please see my initial post, #9 up ^ above IN this thread, you'll see that I made 5 attempts to install 0.92 to no avail PRIOR to my posting here. 2 of them WERE via Homebrew... both this: AND this: .

And as mentioned in Souris' blog: you'll see Homebrew evidently made some change, so now will ONLY install 0.91...

January 30, 2017, 05:52:29 PM
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Sorry, overlooked that :-/

But there is a homebrew now for Inkscape 0.92:

(and issues with it should be reported at: )

January 31, 2017, 12:51:33 AM
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@Brynn: we do not give support for macports, because that option was not supplied by members of the project, but by macports itself. They requested that bugs go to them, so they can fix them. I do not see a benefit in having users ask us, then one of us needs to go ask them, then we come back and play messenger back and forth. Let the macports people do that directly. This will be faster for everyone.

In this case, macports support failed this user.  Apparently they are not able to simplify their instructions for newbies.  My goal is to do whatever I can to help this user get Inkscape installed, and any newbie who can't decipher the tech-speak.  You may remember that's a passion of mine  :-D

Because the problem I've seen reported over and over, is that they follow the macports' instructions, and the installation goes through without any apparent errors or other problems.  But then they can't find Inkscape on their computer.  It seems to me they probably are all running into the same problem (maybe not, but seemingly so).  I don't see what's wrong with finding out the answer, we can give it to them here.

I am not suggesting that we learn how to give support for all macports problems.  Just this one.

In my opinion, this inability for newbies to install Inkscape (on MacOX) reflects poorly on the project, and I hope I can make the developers aware of it, and a better solution will be found.

And hope and pray this new volunteer will be able to package a DMG version successfully!  Actually, I think I might ask him for the answer, since he reached out to us.  He seems willing to help.  Maybe he'd be willing to register here and help directly??
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January 31, 2017, 03:08:51 PM
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Sigh. @Moini, have you seen my initial post, #9 ^??? Yes, I KNEW of Homebrew for 0.92…  —SEE the links I provided in that-initial-post, as to WHICH videos I followed, to install 0.92. via Homebrew… TWICE. As well as Macports… *before* coming here for help.

With Homebrew, 0.92 on FIRST attempt, DID install but was not “stable”, nor was it for OTHERS, evidently. Please READ what YOU sent me… —>

The SECOND installation via Homebrew, I followed a video called: “Install Inkscape 0.92 on Mac OS with Homebrew (Latest)” by Souris. —> (see this link above). Again, Homebrew evidently made some change, so now will ONLY install 0.91… I suspect because the 0.92 was not stable, but IDK, for sure. And a ‘Tim Sheridan’ also states this fact regarding Homebrew ONLY installing 0.91 in the link for “SourceForge” --that you sent!

The VERY problems that are CLEARLY listed by a ‘Windell H. Oskay’ in the “SourceForge” link YOU just provided on using HOMEBREW, are the SAME problems I found upon my initial install of 0.92 using Homebrew, & I mentioned those —above, again #9!

Please understand I was looking for help to install ONLY 0.92., I can install 0.91 via a .dmg. And I’m here seeking help with “Terminal” Install because my Terminal stated: “If you can reproduce this crash, please file a bug at with a detailed description of the steps leading to the crash, so we can fix it.” To Inkscape, not to Macports, not to Homebrew & so I have, —just to clarify. (As you can see in the first line of my post above.)

C l e a r l y  you wish NOT to be bothered with this SUPPORT for non-developer Mac users… obviously, as you so quickly hurry to ship me off to everyone else (Macport/Homebrew, regardless of what my Terminal Crash requested me to do) yet you don’t actually take time, to READ my quite detailed initial note, NOR the problems of the Homebrew installations… as in the “SourceForge” thread, YOU JUST SENT… 

With that, once again neither Macports NOR Homebrew brought me success in the installation of Inkscape 0.92. And as far as I can see, via searches online, I am not the only Mac user having problems installing 0.92 with BOTH Macports & Homebrew. OF COURSE I, sans programmer/developer knowledge or language skills, could easily be making mistakes in this process, however I find it amazing that we have many similar issues; —compare my problems in my initial post to the problems in the link for SourceForge, that YOU sent (again, I’m no programmer) & they seem incredibly close to being the SAME problems.

So rather than send me off in circles, may I please ask that you actually take time, to read my posts —fully, before responding with the SAME steps I've done & have already stated as to NOT having worked for me?!!!

@Brynn, THANK YOU kindly for your support, that you would do whatever you can to help a NON-Programmer, Non-Developer Mac User install Inkscape, is VERY much appreciated!! More than you know! I also think it’s important to reiterate that MANY Mac users who would be interested in Inkscape, likely may NOT have the skills to decipher Programmer/Developer tech-speak, like myself & as I said I’ve used a Mac for some 27/28ish years.

I also saw in the thread from “SourceForge” that today (1/31) a ‘Kirk Slowe’ requested access to the source code so he can start working on creating a native Mac installer for 0.92. YEA! That would be incredible, my thanks also go out to him for that effort!! Fingers crossed, I will check back to hopefully see that 0.92 .dmg!!

January 31, 2017, 04:52:25 PM
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cc, the homebrew linked in the email from the mailing list at is definitely for 0.92, and people on the mailing list confirmed that it worked for them.

If you have read it, you will also have seen that issues for it should be reported here:

And that the issue with the bucket tool and the bitmap tracing is supposed to be resolved by now:
"I've got both of these showing up since I added the potrace dependency."

If you have tested a current version (you can see when it has last been updated here:, and it still doesn't work, make a bug report there, in the tab that is labelled 'Issues'.

I'm not a Mac owner, so I cannot help with any specifics. I can only try to guide you to the correct place to get a working installation.

If you are unable to ask the person who knows most about the homebrew (you have been encouraged to make a bug report there a couple of times already), then I cannot help you. I cannot ask there for you, I wouldn't know what to ask.

As for 'requiring users to use macports' - well, there is no requirement whatsoever. It is a service that has been provided to you by someone who worked on it, for you, and others, for free. The macports build and the homebrew build have been created by people who are not direct members of the Inkscape development team. Inkscape doesn't currently have a Mac developer who works on packaging.

It's unfortunate that I cannot magically create one, not even for you :) (and Brynn can't, either). Of course, it would be good if there were someone.

So far we've had 3 people volunteering, but none of them has built something yet. All of them said they don't have any experience with creating Mac dmg files, so I wouldn't expect a fast solution. It may still take a couple of months or longer. Or it might not happen at all for 0.92, because it's a big task, as far as I understand. Up to 0.91, OS X packaging has been done by a very experienced person in the Inkscape developer team, who put lots of effort and time into it.

To get an impression of the size of the task, take a look at these files: , which were needed for the dmg package of Inkscape 0.91 (and have now been removed, because they are too outdated to be of any use).

It may take some encouragement from users. Subscribe to the mailing list and cheer the volunteer developer on, if you like :)

But if you need Inkscape 0.92 right now, then your best bet is either homebrew or macports, and if you encounter issues, to report them there, so they can be fixed quickly. This will most probably happen much faster than any dmg.

Do you now understand why I wrote what I wrote? My goal is for you to find a solution for your problem as fast as possible.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2017, 08:30:39 PM by Moini, Reason: fix some phrases »

February 01, 2017, 02:53:32 PM
Reply #24


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So, I've been in contact with the homebrew guy, Tim Sheridan, with the repo at github:
His installation method is for Inkscape 0.92.

The official brew, that is demonstrated in the youtube video and the blog entry (), has been retired, because some part of it has been deprecated.
Instead, people got 0.91, when they tried to install it via "brew install inkscape".

Tim's version is a continuation and improved version of the 0.92 version. It's still a work in progress, but he's going to ping me when he has reviewed it (said this will take ~ 2 days), because I'm planning to put a link to it on the website.

I've also edited the website (not published yet) to explain where to turn to when issues with the installation method arise.