Author Topic: Accessing Windows mapped drive  (Read 1761 times)

June 16, 2017, 08:57:46 PM
Read 1761 times


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I'm a rookie and all my files are stored in a server but I can't use any mapped drives.
Do you know any way to use mapped drive letters in Inkscape other than writing full network address?

June 18, 2017, 10:45:20 AM
Reply #1


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Welcome to the forum!

I'm not sure if I clearly understand what you're asking.  Most of the time, I would expect you'd want to use SSH and/or SFTP to upload/download to the server.  I don't really know if Inkscape is capable of locating a web or IP address from the Open or Save As dialogs.  I would think not.  If it's possible, I would think the commandline would be the most likely way to access it.  But I still doubt it.  Although I could be wrong.

On the face of it though, it doesn't sound safe.

Can you explain a little more what your setup is?  Why can't you download your Inkscape files to your computer, or a usb drive, or something like that?
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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