The one I prefere is the Pai1-3 that I first tested.
It looks random because of the transparency and the deformation.
Is this the one with the hole in it? Or the one you want a nice finished file for practice? What do you mean by transparency? All the patterns I've made have transparency.
....but it I can achieve the application, which passes through another operation, in order to have more divisions and a better 'softness', then it should look like on paper but on the shape with just some stretching.
I didn't understand that.
Re the puzzle pattern, yes, that looks like it might even have been made with an extension of Inkscape. I haven't seen that extension, but I guess it might be possible to set it to draw more and smaller pieces. I think I know the website where it can be downloaded. But I could also use that file to make the strokes wider.
I guess using the puzzle pattern would be symbolic, as a pattern for a prosthesis? When I think of puzzle piece, I think of autism, because a puzzle piece is the logo for an organization about autism. But yes, I could make those wider, smaller, and more numerous. Or just use Lazur's puzzle3.svg file.
In fact, you could use Lazur's puzzle3.svg file, and do it yourself. I can tell you in a few steps:
-- Select the drawing with Selection tool.
-- Object menu > Fill and Stroke > Stroke Style tab > Width (adjust the width of the strokes)
-- Path menu > Stroke to Path
-- Save As Plain SVG
That's it! However, as I mentioned before, Inkscape inserts all kinds of extra, uneeded nodes, double nodes, sometimes 4, 6, 8 nodes, all stacked on 1 point, when you use Stroke to Path. It's really unfortunate. But those are the things that I would fix before giving you a final file. So if you widen the stroke yourself, and either don't want to, don't have time, or can't fix those node issues, I could do it for you. Or I could do the whole thing.
Just let me know what you need