January 18, 2018, 08:16:32 PM
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I want to know what the perimeter of figures in my blueprints. (This is necessary for a laser cutting machine - to know the cost of parts). How can I do it in Inkscape?
I know that CorelDraw have such plug-in. But I do not want to use CorelDraw. Inkscape is more convenient for me.
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January 19, 2018, 10:39:28 AM
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Try Extensions > Visualize path > Measure path.

January 19, 2018, 05:14:17 PM
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Unfortunately it does not work. I click to Measure path, and for half a second a window appears in which nothing can be seen. Inkscape 0.92
What should I do to fix this problem?
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January 20, 2018, 12:28:58 AM
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When I click 'apply' in Measure Path, appears a window with next text - 'Measure Path' working, please wait - and than nothing happens.
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January 20, 2018, 07:47:32 AM
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What kind of path are you trying to measure? Is it really a path? To know, select it, then check in Inkscape's status line at the bottom what kind of object you have selected.

If it is indeed a path, then please share a file that contains it.

January 20, 2018, 12:52:10 PM
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Moini, thanks for report.
I make rectangle, make 'Object to path'. At the botton 'Path 8 nodes in layer Layer 1'
It looks like other extensions do not work either. As well as Measure Path when I click 'aplay' pops up a window with the inscription - '<Extension name> working, please wait'. And nothing else.
I reinstalled the Inkscape many times, but it does not help.
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January 20, 2018, 03:04:17 PM
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So just to be sure:
1. the path is selected when you use the extension (or any other extension)?
2. there is no info in the status line when you apply the extension?

If so, that's definitely something different.

So then:

- which Inkscape file from the website did you use for installation?
- have you uninstalled Inkscape completely at least once before installing it again?
- have you installed Python with Inkscape, or did you deselect that option?
- can you append your extension-errors.log file from your user configuration directory?
- what do you get when you open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and navigate to the folder containing the Inkscape executables, then run the command "inkscape.com" ?

January 20, 2018, 05:51:05 PM
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1. the path is selected when you use the extension (or any other extension)?

2. there is no info in the status line when you apply the extension?
Only 'Path 8 nodes in layer Layer 1 ...'

- which Inkscape file from the website did you use for installation?
0.92 from Inkscape.org, before it 0.48 from same place, now from this link - http://download.tuxfamily.org/inkscape/win64/ - recommended by Jabiertxof Foxtreibaj on youtube. He is Inkscape developer (Measure Line LPE II).

- have you uninstalled Inkscape completely at least once before installing it again?
Probably yes

- have you installed Python with Inkscape, or did you deselect that option?
Dont remember. I chose the default options

- can you append your extension-errors.log file from your user configuration directory?
Where is it (Win 7)? How to get this information?

- what do you get when you open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and navigate to the folder containing the Inkscape executables, then run the command "inkscape.com" ?
Unfortunately, I do not even know this. Could you explain what I need to do step by step?
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January 20, 2018, 11:57:31 PM
Reply #8


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Before going through all that, there are a couple of things you can check first.

Open the same dialog again, and consider all the other options in the dialog, below where you choose Length or Area.  They configure the text which is created by the extension.  (You don't have to keep the text.  After you get the measurement, you can delete the text.)

For example, here's what happened when I tried to measure a simple gear type of shape (attached).

For best results measuring a closed path with a gear type of shape (since you used "perimeter" I'm assuming they are closed paths??) I would suggest using the Fixed Path tab, and the Center of Mass option there.  Then below the tabs, you'll want to pay attention to the Offset value.

Theoretically, the text could be appearing outside your screen area, or depending on how it's configured, perhaps just can't be displayed.  For example, using Text on Path, Start or End, if the offset value is negative, and smaller than the diameter of the object, it's geometrically impossible for it to be displayed (let's say, a 10 px diameter gear, with -20.0 offset - I'm not sure how that could work).

Hhmm, I guess I'm getting some unexpected results with the Offset value.  For some reason, smaller values are putting the text further away....  I should probably also mention that these are relatively new options in that extension, all of which I haven't tested yet.  But at the moment, I'm thinking Fixed Path > Center of Mass, should at least allow you to find the text.

Edit - Could there be a bug in this extension?  Also, why does it have a separate Scale Factor?  "convenience" as an answer, doesn't quite seem to fit, to me.

  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
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January 21, 2018, 09:59:33 AM
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Stop - are we talking about the extension or the path effect here? The video is for the Path effect, but I understood this is about the extension?

And one more: That file you used for installation is an ancient developer version. Please use a current stable Inkscape version. Uninstall everything completely first. Really completely, okay?
Visit https://inkscape.org/releases to get a current version.

January 21, 2018, 10:32:58 AM
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I was talking about  Extensions menu > Visualize Path > Measure Path.
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity" - Horace Mann