Welcome to the forum!
We are here to help, free for the asking. If you feel you have learned as much as you can on your own, please feel free to post a message about whatever the problem is, and we'll do our best to help. We'll also refer you to the manual, or other tutorials, if we happen to know of any to fit your particular need. But if you still get stuck, we're still here to help.
I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by
In the end, this software was designed by "pile-on-iteration" of every, and all functionality you can think of, at the expense of a larger view on usability and user friendliness.
If you care to explain to a non-developer, I might be able to address it. Although that's a big "might".
I should also mention that we are a user support forum. Inkscape developers rarely visit bb-style forums. (I'm not sure why - but being busy professionals is probably the answer.) So if you'd like to reach developers with your comments.....well in this case, I'm guessing it will be better if I offer to post your comments to the mailing list myself, and relay to you any answers. I hate mailing lists, and I avoided Inkscape's until I found myself becoming interested in development topics. And then I finally had to join. So I'm not going to suggest to you that you should subscribe, just to relay this one message. But if you sincerely want to reach developers, I'll be glad to help by relaying your comments.
As someone who considers herself kind of a perpetual newbie with computer graphics, I can tell you that vector graphics is (are?) not necessarily intuitive, no matter which program you use. (Although the pricey Adobe Illustrator, probably has a nice guide for new users - it darn well better, for the price, right?!) (I think there's a free vector graphics program called Krita, which I think is oriented towards sketch artists, but I've never tried it myself (not being a sketch artist).) And if you've started from a raster graphics background, I think it's probably even worse than someone who has never used any kind of computer graphics.
I don't know what your goals are, but from what I've heard, CAD programs might be easier to learn than vector graphics programs. They can produce vector graphics, and sometimes using the same output formats, but not always. Also, I've never used a CAD program - this is just my impression reading users' comments.
You didn't mention if you have found any tutorials, or manuals. The Help menu does link you to the online manual, although it tends not be oriented to new users. But the Help menu also has Tutorials. I first started learning Inkscape using the Basic and Shapes tutorials. I also recommend the Advanced tutorial, when you feel you are ready to learn about paths. Even though it's called "advanced", it really is meant to introduce newbies to paths. (Yes, I made a bug report to change the title.) And I consider paths to be kind of the heart and soul of vector graphics. So those 3, in that order, are the best introduction we currently have.
Well, except for forums. We like it if a new user has made a good try on their own. But we still help anyway, for those who just can't wait. What they usually find is that we are all volunteers here, and not paid to be around 24/7, and that they can usually find their own help, once we point them in the right direction, and faster than waiting for us.
I've tried to address what I think has been missing across the Inkscape community, which is a central source of tutorials. Before I made this complex and extended list a few years ago (see the Home tab) users were forced to search the internet to find tutorials. Note that it's not a 100% comprehensive list - just the ones I've found, which I think are worthwhile and not a waste of time.
Now that I've learned how to make videos, I've been wondering if I should make a series of super beginner videos, such as "how to draw a circle". However, I would do it with captions anyway. So I stay on the fence wondering. I already wrote a text tutorial about "how to draw a line".
https://forum.inkscapecommunity.com/index.php?action=articles;sa=view;article=7 Be forewarned -- it's a TON of text, but I didn't know how to make videos at the time.
Please let us know if you'd like some specific help. After all, we can't read your mind....or if we could, we probably wouldn't know how to contact you.... Hhmmm

But anyway, we're here if you need us. We can't change Inkscape ourselves (I mean with the code), but we can help other users

And for what it's worth, it's not any of our life choices. We all do this in our spare time -- in between our day jobs, our families, and our private lives. NO ONE works on Inkscape full time!