
Author Topic: Object properties onmouseover display long description  (Read 6131 times)

September 05, 2014, 02:19:00 AM
Read 6131 times


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Would like to display a long description when mouse over a shape.  How shall I edit the object properties (or by other means) to achieve this?  (Note that the description is too long for the "id" property.)  If you recommend drawing another text box to hide/ show it when mouse over another object, please could you let me know the coding.  Thank you in advance.

September 05, 2014, 05:00:53 PM
Reply #1


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Welcome to Inkscape Community!

The answer to this question lies on the outside extreme of my knowledge of Inkscape.  But I can probably guide you to appropriate resources.  Lazur may know specific details, whenever he comes around.

So just to be clear, the ultimate goal for this image, will be a webpage?  I don't think the ID property is where the text goes....although I could be wrong.  I know this can be done with javascript.  I don't know how to write js, but again, I'll put links below.  I suspect it might be possible to do it with only XML, but not sure if I have info on that.....well, maybe some generalized info, and if you dig deeper, you might find specific info.

In the manual, is info about the JavaScript extention (Extensions menu > Web > JavaScript), which might actually be a very direct route, to do what you want.  I haven't used it myself, so I can't say exactly what it does.  But the info in the manual should help.

Also in the manual:  the chapter SVG and the Web.  There will be helpful bits and pieces throughtout this chapter, but specifically the section called Adding JavaScript, should help.

On our (current) homepage Inkscape Tutorials, look at the ANIMATION block, and click on the black text of this item
  • From SVG Basics, by David Dailey, not so much tutorials, except by example. But excellent resources:
That will open up a hidden list of links for Dailey's works.  It's more about creating graphics by writing the raw SVG/XML code, without using any editor like Inkscape.  But there's also info on js.  There are more links for Dailey's work, at the bottom of the ADVANCED SKILLS block.  And also check out those list items for Peter Collingridge's and David White's work.  Or actually, check out Collingridge first:

And let's see....  A couple more links.  Here's some stuff in the Inkscape wiki:   It covers a different way to animate inskcape drawings, called SMIL.

I did just learn about a program which can animate SVGs -- Tupi  But I'm not sure if it provides this mouseover effect.  Actually the mouseover effect, in my mind, is only marginally "animation".  Generally I think of animation, as motion, and the mouseover isn't exactly motion, at least to me.  But there are some other ways to animate Inkscape drawings.  I think somewhere in those links to Dailey's work, is info on other ways to animate.

A couple of years ago, there was a really great, live example, of how to do this, that I knew about.  But the artist apparently took it down :sadb:, or moved it somewhere.  Because I haven't been able to find it.  That would have been great, because you could have just looked at the source, to see how he did it.

Ok, that's about all the info I have.  I wish I could give you the exact code, but I'm not quite there yet.  However, there are several examples of the code, through much of the info I've linked.

Good luck!  Let us know how it goes  :D
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