
Author Topic: Dutch Inkscape tutorials, book (Indonesiona too)  (Read 8839 times)

November 07, 2017, 03:09:52 AM
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Hi Friends,
I came across this site, which is a Dutch blog about Inkscape, including some tutorials. Via bing/google translate, it looks like there's a book....not sure if it would be considered a manual.  But she says the blog is to be considered as a companion to the book.  It looks to be focussed on projects making use of gimp, inkscape, and scribus together - I saw one example of making a flyer.

From what I can tell, short of translating the entire site, it looks pretty well done.  I'd like to add it to our huge collection, but I'm hoping someone who can read/understand Dutch could have a quick look (no more than a few minutes), and make sure it's all reputable (no obvious spammish comments or sketchy links, etc.).

Might be good to add to the website as well?  Only because there probably aren't tons of Dutch tutorials, etc.

Thanks for any comments!

And something similar except Indonesian!  This book is called a manual, is free!  Anyone who can read Indonesian, does it look worthwhile?


Edit #2
And more Indonesian tutorials:
« Last Edit: November 07, 2017, 03:47:47 AM by brynn »
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November 07, 2017, 05:02:58 AM
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The Dutch site is a book promotion page. You could ask the author if she wants her book to be included in the 'books' page that there is on the website. The blog seems to focus on the transfer of real-world painting/image-making techniques into the digital world via Inkscape.

The first Indonesian site seems to be a near-translation of this book:

The second Indonesian link is a similar thing to Nick's blog, a designer promoting themselves with tutorials.

Go ahead, ask people if they want to be linked.

November 09, 2017, 10:27:12 PM
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Yes, usually I do ask.  Even though I know it's not necessary to ask for permission, I still think it's polite and friendly to contact them.  But in these cases, I can't be sure that they could understand an English message.  If their sites offered English translations, I would give it a try.

Actually, the desainew one seems familiar - I think he does speak at least a little English, and has posted in a forum or on the website (can't remember which).  Might try messaging that one.

I found a 4th site too.  But the comments below the tutorials (in a blog format) aren't being moderated (too many viagra ads) so I won't use that one.

Anyway, thanks for having a look, Moini!
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November 10, 2017, 09:20:40 AM
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I'm sure they understand English. Anyone who is able to translate a whole book from English, or to read up on English tutorials to be able to write tutorials (plus being Dutch, they usually speak excellent English) will probably understand you just fine. Just try.