Inkscape Board Meeting Transcript for Friday, 2023-01-06

ted==== START MEETING ====
SFC Items (ted)
Student programs (Outreachy, GSoC, etc) ( @Tav )
Developer meeting update (Mc)
Vectors update ( @ryangorley )
Infrastructure update ( @doctormo )
Security Key Program (Mc)
AI Import Project ( @joneuhauser )
Hackfest ( @RdH )
Partners Program (ted)
Current Votes Status
Next Meeting: Feb 3, 2023
ScislaCHi. Sorry, running a little behind.18:03
tedOkay, first up is SFC update.
Financials. First up is the summary:
has most of our up-to-date donations for the year, which resulted in a net gain over last year by about $20K, which is awesome.
I also updated the 2022 allocations document:
thing that is weird that I'm tracking down is that I can't find any payment from Google for GSoC. It seems that should have hit by now. pono has just pinged me in another window that I missed it, so gonna have to figure that out.
Generally speaking I've been happy with that format. It has helped me track things and know what to follow up on. So I made a 2023 document that is similar:
'd love to hear feedback from folks on what to change there to make it more useful to others, just drop me an email or something if an idea comes to mind. No pressure to do it now.
I've asked about the FSA, but I haven't gotten confirmation that it's all good yet. Hoping maybe someone chimes in :-)
TavHi all, I'll need to leave a bit early.18:05
ponoI think we just need karen's signature. So I'll check with her about that.18:06
I pinged her this morning, but yes, I think we're close.
K, next up: Student programs (Outreachy, GSoC, etc) ( @Tav )
Mcgsoc applications will start in about two weeks
(project applications)
TavNothing to report for last year.18:08
tedK, do we need anything for that?18:08
TavSo we spent less than 1% of our funds last year (removing Expenses).18:09
Mcmaybe a vote to allow to allocate gsoc income to mentors who would need it18:09
ponoThere was a vote to allow mentors to apply for a stipend. But as far as I know, no one has applied for it.18:10
tedAh, yeah. Mentor stipend vote for 2023. @Tav, can you do that?18:10
tedpono, yeah, but I think we'd need another for 2023 to offer it as an option.18:11
TavI think spening such a small percentage of our funds is a huge failure of the "Leadership" committee.18:11
Mcof our income ?18:11
tedWe're already on track to do better in 2023 with the AI import project and the hackfest :-)18:12
Tav"Our" as in Inkscape community, and less than 1% of our 2022 Final balance.18:13
tedPlus I hope we'll get the admin thing back on track. If that'd happened in 2022 we'd have basically matched our income.18:13
TavWe shouldn't be holding onto such a large surplus.18:14
ScislaCI don't think anyone disagrees, Tav.18:15
ScislaCWe'd all like to see more reinvestment.18:15
ponoGood point @ScilaC I think it's also looking really good for this new year to get some contracts in place and get money flowing for events and work!18:16
tedI think we're on track for it. Frankly if we figure out the AI Import thing and learn from it we're well on our way.
To be clear, that doesn't mean that we can't do more. But, I do think it is an issue we're making general progress on.
Next item on the agenda: Developer meeting update (Mc)
Mcfeature freeze planned this month, 1.2.2 released last month, no current plan for 1.2.3, 1.3 on track18:19
tedNice, and thanks to @doctormo for posting that to the mailing list. At least for me, I find that really helpful.18:20
Mcthere is the issue of the bug fixing program, with discussions among the dev meeting on how to address plc remarks
which should turn into a new vote with only 2 people on this program
tedAh, interesting. Glad to see there's discussion ongoing there.18:21
Mcand discussions around the hackfest :)18:21
tedThat's cool, but it is a later agenda item -- no working ahead! πŸ˜‰
Sounds good. Next up: Vectors update ( @ryangorley )
ryangorleyHey all18:23
ryangorleyLast month was focused on the release. Thanks for all the hard work done on that.18:23
ryangorleyLooking ahead we're focused on the about screen contest. The theme will be around Inkscape's 20th birthday.18:24
tedAh, that sounds like fun. Always love the about screen entries.18:24
ryangorleyWe're probably going to need to move off of because they're taking a stand against and it requires us to manually approve all follows from that server. We'll be discussing further tomorrow.18:25
tedMakes sense. Do you think it's likely to be another server? Or our own?
I use and that's pretty easy.
ryangorleyI'm nervous to take on more infrastructure overhead. A lot of projects are on, so that's my top pick right now.18:26
ryangorleyI'd like to get funding approval for another round of contributor tees. I don't have the design or numbers finalized on that, but that may be coming around.18:26
tedAh, great! I love mine.
Have you guys discussed what to do with the current store? We sold literally one shirt in 2022. Seems like shut it down?
Mc@ryangorley did you see on which server are blender, krita, gimp, and others ?18:28
ryangorley@ted Yeah the store sales are pretty bad, lol. It's something I've been thinking about, and I have some ideas, but probably nothing ready to discuss here yet.18:29
tedOkay, it obviously isn't costing us anything, but I just noticed that when looking at the financials. Barely seems worth the line on the spreadsheet. πŸ˜‰18:29
ryangorleyFrom a promotions standpoint, I think it's something we should get going again. The challenge is that a store requires more regular attention than I think we can give it with volunteers. I think we sub the management out, but that's just my developing thinking.18:31
tedPerhaps as we relook at the admin role we could add that to the list of responsibilities there.18:32
ryangorley@Mc The other projects are spread out, but as of this moment GIMP and Kdenlive are on Blender is on the main I think Krita was on
ryangorley@ted Yes, that would be the other way to handle that.18:32
ryangorleyThere are probably some other items I'm missing, any other Vectors want to chime in?18:33
MoiniHi everyone, and a happy new year! Is Scislac around?18:33
MoiniWe've had difficulties posting to any social media channels but Mastodon lately.18:34
ScislaCI am Moini, no updates on the FB/Insta stuff yet, I apologize.18:34
MoiniInstagram, Twitter and Facebook suffer from access and staffing issues.18:35
MoiniAnd I'm not sure what to do about that, except close them down if it goes on like this.18:35
tedI'm just gonna giggle at Twitter having staffing issues.18:35
tedHmm, so it seems like the access is solvable.18:36
micheleIt's on our end. Our access via Tweetdeck keeps dropping on my end. Not sure why.18:36
tedDid we get the keyring setup?18:36
MoiniYeah, and the person who could help with regaining that isn't responsive...18:36
I think I have access through tweetdeck
tedDecided, Mc is in charge of Twitter πŸ˜‰18:37
MoiniMc, Michèle can't post, and noone can give her access.18:37
ScislaCI vote Mc is in charge of all of Twitter. ;)18:37
MoiniScislac, where have you been stuck?18:38
micheleGlad someone finds it funny.18:38
Moini@ryangorley Or is there a way to get more instant contact to you for Michèle?18:38
tedI guess what I'm confused about is I thought we were going to do passwords in Nextcloud for stuff like this?18:39
MoiniWe wanted to have the authentication sticks set up for that...18:39
ScislaCAvailability (both free time and health lining up)... :/18:40
MoiniAh, okay, ScislaC. :-(18:40
ponoLet me know if you want me to order any of those 2FA keys for folks. The budget was approved but I haven't seen any requests so far.18:40
ryangorleyI don't get email notifications from our chat platform, never had, so if something is urgent please email me ( I feel like we've been posting to Twitter regularly, so if this is about some missed post during the holidays, then let's discuss that outside of the meeting here perhaps.18:40
MoiniPerfect. Yes, people tagged you a couple times here.18:40
ryangorleyIf I don't log in to look for those tags, I don't see them.18:41
tedpono, I believe that Mc is working on setting up a program there to get folks that need them ordered.18:41
MoiniAh, didn't know.18:41
Moini(that was in reply to Ryan)18:42
tedMc, it might be an easy way to do it if you had pono order them...18:42
McI should probably setup a meeting with pono to make things progress, I keep failing to organize it here18:42
ryangorleyWith the Lastpass breach, and some supposed Twitter data breach, it's probably about time we rotate the Twitter password.18:42
MoiniGood idea.18:42
tedCould we setup the keyring for folks that already have a 2FA key on their own?18:42
ponoMc: Sounds good! I'll also be at FOSDEM in case you are going to be there we can chat :)18:43
MoiniPlease remember to update the GPG encrypted repo, Ryan, when you change the pw. Maybe send it to Martin or someone else who can put it in.18:43
tedNot sure if @michele has one, but at least then we could share the password for some folks.18:43
Mcted: not sure we can restrict a nextcloud app based on the auth mechanism of accounts18:43
michele[ ]( Nope.18:44
ryangorley@Moini I can't change the password because I don't have access to the account email. It's an SFC email address.18:44
MoiniBut we can restrict the app to a group of people, Mc.18:44
MoiniMc, task for you then!18:44
Mcah, didnt know this :)18:44
MoiniIn the pono meeting.18:44
pono@ryangorley Which email address is it? I'll make sure I've got access to it at least18:45
ryangorley@pono inkscape-twitter@sfconservancy.org18:45
ponoThanks, I'll look into that and get back to you18:46
ryangorleyCool, thanks!18:46
MoiniI was too late for the 'agenda items adding' request today, ted. I'd like to ask for us to resume out donations to OSUOSL (not a vectors issue, though, just squeezing it in)18:46
MoiniThank you pono and Mc!18:46
doctormono issue with osuosl donations, it would b appropriate.18:47
ted@Moini, good idea. Do you have an idea on amount? I think we've done $200 or $250 in the past.18:47
MoiniThey've offered to take care of the email server.18:47
tedBut it seems like our website uses more resources today? @doctormo do you have idea how many resources we use there?18:47
MoiniNo, I don't quite know what would be appropriate. If there's as much inflation in the US as there is here, I guess 300 would be good.18:47
ponore: OSL donations, I'm talking with Lance about setting up a donation from our projects, so I can handle making the donation once an amount has been decided on.18:48
tedGreat, last time we did it, I did it personally and they added me on the OSU donors list so I kept getting mailings about OSU. πŸ˜†18:49
doctormojust the webserver alone is a fairly decent machine. 4GB RAM, 4 cpu, 1TB machine.18:49
ponoAvoiding getting on a university fundraising list is a good idea :P18:49
doctormoThey've also been very responsive. We should probably give them $500 a year at least.18:50
tedK, I'll look up what Linode or something like that would be for that machine and put together a vote.18:50
MoiniIndeed, they are also very communicative, I'm getting their mails about outages and their work, too. Very conscientious.18:51
MoiniThank you very much, Ted!18:51
tedOf course it doens't fit nicely, we'd be between $30 and $60/mo
Anyway, action for me.
And Mc and pono are gonna figure out the 2FA keys
tedI'll mark that off the agenda even if we weren't there yet 😍
Next up: Infrastructure update ( @doctormo )
pono(also as a side note I just got access to the alias so I'll take that to the vectors channel to coordinate)18:53
tedI guess we kinda did that too, but not sure if you have anything else @doctormo18:53
doctormoNothing further.18:54
tedGreat, thanks!
Next up: AI Import Project ( @joneuhauser )
joneuhauserWe've received 8 applications so far (deadline monday), and the hiring team will screen them next week.18:55
joneuhauserAfter that, coding test. Timeline says to have selected a candidate by end of January.18:56
joneuhauserSo, everything good.18:56
tedAwesome, excited to see that progressing. Adobe keeps selling Inkscape for us πŸ˜‰
Next up: Hackfest ( @RdH )
Tav@ScislaC Have you voted?18:57
tedThink that @RdH might not be around, but that is on the open votes right now. Please vote if you haven't.18:58
Mc@Tav 50 min ago18:58
ponoI'd like to reiterate that I'm trying to be as involved as possible for the Hackfest to get the expenses sorted.
So hopefully I can sync up eith RdH soon!
tedAwesome, thank you for that pono.18:58
RdHI'm here (if you still need me)18:59
tedIn the future could we do a vote that is "whatever the SFC policy allows for a plane ticket" type thing? So we don't have to set an amount?18:59
ScislaCTav: For the hackfest? Yes18:59
ScislaCCR just closed it out on the list.18:59
Mcted: wrt adobe, latest adobe "meh" this year is
ponoOur travel policy is pretty clear about what is a reimbursable plane ticket:
tedYeah, I saw that one. I don't understand Adobe right now.
pono, yeah, I just didn't know if we could put that in an authorization.
It makes more sense than the PLC trying to track plane ticket prices.
ponoAn ticket for pre-approving all who are traveling is the best way to do it.19:02
tedK, but it could have "plane ticket plus expenses covered by policy" it doesn't need an amount?
(or some similar wording)
ponoCorrect. Rosanne will check against the flight search that we also require to make sure it's reasonable.19:03
tedOkay, next hackfest :-)
Next on the agenda is: Partners Program (ted)
Which I have no update on, but put there to shame me into having one for next month.
Sorry about that.
Next is: Current Votes Status
Which is apparently changing as we go πŸ˜‰
I think the only one left is the one, and it sounds like I'll close that tomorrow depending on the Vectors outcome.
ryangorley@ted Yeah hold on that last one19:05
doctormoIt's useful to put in a maximum cap in a travel expense, so we have a budget. There might come a day we do not have quite so much money laying around.19:05
tedExpect a OSUOSL one and a mentor stipend 2023 and a bug fixing one upcoming.
@doctormo, that's a good point, but we can be more generous if we know that policy will limit it.
Limit: $1M and two sharks with lasers!
doctormoA fair amount19:06
tedEspecially if you're flying Southwest.
Anyway, we're over. I've got Next Meeting: Feb 3, 2023
doctormoNo one's flying southwest.19:07
tedAnything else someone has?
@doctormo, touche
doctormopono, ted, et al. Can we restart the date for meeting and resolving some of the project's interpersonal problems, and various unresolved conflicts?19:08
tedI'm not sure what you're talking about. The meeting that pono was talking about for the bugfixing project?19:09
doctormoted: Not just, but perhaps pono can be specific about the intention of the meeting he wanted to do.19:09
ponoThe holidays was tough to organize a call for bugfix program, but now that people's schedules are a bit more regular, I'll send out a poll for that.19:10
ScislaCI'll keep an eye out for that, I missed the first time.19:10
ponoI believe @doctormo is referring to some mediation around the bugfix program. And I think a narrow scope around that program is best.
I'm very happy to provide that mediation and facilitate a conversation around it!
doctormoted: There's a feeling in the developer team that you guys didn't respect the process, grumbling has flowed out, which harmed the project. The lack of meeting didn't help, but holidays and what not have got in the way.19:12
tedSounds good, hopefully we can figure out a good time there.19:12
doctormoSo there's issues we need to resolve here, which we shouldn't put aside even if they're uncomfortable.19:12
ted(to be clear, I was replying to pono)19:12
ponoThere seems to be a bit of disconnect between the dev team and the PLC, so facilitating a meeting to get everyone on the same page is definitely worth our time19:13
tedOkay, I'm not sure what "the process" is, but I'm interested to hear it.19:13
ScislaCI'm interested too19:14
doctormoted: It's meetings, mostly, being in contact with people, knowing what's going on and understanding the consensus. The feeling is that coming in from the outside, having not talked with anyone, and deciding things by fiat, it's dreadfully unhelpful. It makes it seem like the project isn't consensus run.19:15
doctormoBut this is a conversation we should be having in a mediated meeting, pono.19:15
ponoI'll send out a poll for next week so we can have a meeting about it.19:15
ScislaCThanks pono!19:16
doctormoThanks pono19:16
tedK, I think that is it for this meeting though.
==== END MEETING ====

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