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Completed Work / Re: Dillerkind's Image Pool - Next Chapter
« Last post by Dillerkind on September 28, 2019, 12:00:09 PM »
New piece...

Beyond the Basics / Re: Unwanted thin lines appearing between shapes
« Last post by Maesh on September 27, 2019, 01:36:33 AM »
Yes... But no, it still appears.
I think I just have to bypass it, using other softwares to creates layouts
Beyond the Basics / Re: Unwanted thin lines appearing between shapes
« Last post by Lazur on September 26, 2019, 01:10:41 PM »
As far as I understand you are referring "pattern" as a single tile repeated in a matrix layout.

BUT the real deal is, once you have a single tile, convert it to a pattern fill.
If you are using a pattern fill instead, no gaps should appear at the seams.

That is: not repeating a rectangle with a pattern fill next to eachother,
but the pattern fill stretched over a larger rectangle etc.

pattern fill in the manual
Beyond the Basics / Re: Unwanted thin lines appearing between shapes
« Last post by brynn on September 26, 2019, 10:31:10 AM »
As mentioned before, overlapping the pattern sections is the only real answer.  But I like the stitch filter, that is mentioned in the faq, for patterns.

Ooohhh....actually I think that stitch filter was hosted a Open Clipart, which has been closed for some time.  Or was it attached to the InkscapeForum post??  Well, if you can't seem to find it, let me know.  I think I might have a copy.

No, there's no real hope of a permanent fix for it.  It's just the nature of graphics, unfortunately.

I realize you're following up on this pre-existing topic here.  But I just want to make sure you're aware of the new forum, in case you might have new questions someday.  There's a message in red text on the forum index page, but apparently not everyone can see it.  This forum will have to be shut down, in maybe something like 6 months to a year from now.  I'll post more definite info when I have it.

Beyond the Basics / Re: Unwanted thin lines appearing between shapes
« Last post by Maesh on September 26, 2019, 07:05:08 AM »
Thank you for these answers!
The link looks very useful thank you! I finally managed to get an export that looked okay.

But... I have the same problem with patterns : when I lay out my tiles (perfect 600px by 600px squares), i have the line between every squares. But there's a catch! They only appear on the PNG export, not on the vector view in inkscape (I mean that when it is still a tile with all vector shapes, no line due to anti aliazing appears).
However when i lay out the PNG squares, a line appear both on screen in inkscape and on the export.
Reading the attached link, I understood that with patterns it is especially tricky...
But is there still hope that there is a way to fix that ? A line in a pattern layout defeats the whole point of a "seamLESS pattern"...

I attached screenshots of the vector and png layouts, as well as an export showing the line (the export looks the same wether it comes from a vector tile or a PNG tile).

Thank you!
Testing / Re: attachment
« Last post by brynn on September 15, 2019, 06:00:42 AM »
timeline attachment
Beyond the Basics / Re: Unwanted thin lines appearing between shapes
« Last post by Lazur on September 05, 2019, 11:58:25 PM »

As mentioned above, use overlapping. However I rather suggest an aproach where you handle each part of your drawing as pieces of paper you want to glue together.
Overlap the bottom pieces with an amount you can use for glueing, not just a few pixels.
As, there will be necessary sharp corners in the overlapped part and also it is recommended to still keep nodes in a somewhat neat layout.

Attaching a quick example.

(3.27 kB . 300x300)
(viewed 103 times)

-Needless to say it gets tricky when you want to draw an impossible object that'd require a z-order loop of the objects displayed.
Drawn several examples on that before. Unfortunately they were hosted at openclipart and I have yet to sort out my works on my computer to dig up something related.
Beyond the Basics / Re: Unwanted thin lines appearing between shapes
« Last post by brynn on September 05, 2019, 01:58:13 PM »
Interesting - I don't see the problem with your attachment.  However, I know what you're talking about.  The anomaly is known to appear and disappear at different zoom or scale levels.

What you're seeing is a known artifact related to anti-aliasing.  Anti-aliasing is the feature which allows Inkscape's lines to be so clean and sharp at every zoom or scale level.  Actually it's not limited to Inkscape.  You'll see this problem with almost all graphics programs.

The only real solution is to overlap the edges by a couple of pixels.  This faq item explains a few other options:
Beyond the Basics / Re: Recover overwritten file?
« Last post by brynn on September 05, 2019, 01:46:31 PM »
Hi Maesh,
This forum isn't answering Inkscape support qustions anymore, since the new forum opened on the Inkscape website.

I'll try to answer here, but there are a lot more people on the new forum, who might be able to help better.

When you say the file is overwritten, what do you mean exactly?  If the changes were saved, and you don't have a backup, it probably can't be recovered.  If the file has not been saved yet, you could just use Undo.  But if it's been saved, you can't undo anymore.   You're welcome to share the SVG file, but I probably can't investigate it, as far as potentially recovering data.  I just don't have that skill.

But if it can be done, someone in the new forum could probably help.

Fortunately, you can help to prevent this happening in the future, by enabling Inkscape's AutoSave feature.  Edit menu > Preferences > Input/Output > AutoSave.
Beyond the Basics / Recover overwritten file?
« Last post by Maesh on September 05, 2019, 07:43:19 AM »
I wanted to know if it was possible to recover an accidentally overwritten file.

Thank you !
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