I know this is a very old thread and things have moved on, but I run into similar issues running Inkscape on my Mac using the recommended (as per the old download page: inkscape.org/en/download/mac-os/ which has now been superseded by the newer link below) instalation method:
Inkscape 0.92 via
MacPorts as an
X11 build via
inkscape.org/releases and selecting the previous
0.92.2 (2017) revision for
macOSI opted for this alternative install due to the comment "
The native quartz build can potentially be less stable, and less well integrated into the desktop environment (e.g. for copy-pasting)."
However upon installing
Xcode from the App store,
MacPorts (High Sierra v10.13) from macports.org/install.php and
Inkscape from within a macOS terminal window (>_: sudo port install inkscape) I was struggling to run Inkscape even though I didn't receive any errors during the install. It was all rather confusing and what I really struggled with was the following:
No Inkscape icon in the applicaitons folder or anywhere else
- Attempting to run Inkscape from within a macOS terminal window resuled in a message: "
Nothing to do!"
Searching for a fix I run into this forum and I got stuck on this thread, but after a lot of head scratching and going over all the install instructions I kinda figured it out.
I missed one or two steps in the installation which were not exactly obvious, specificall the instrucitons relating to Xcode and Macports!1) When installing Xcode (
pay attention to "
Xcode and the Xcode Command Line Tools" i.e.
don't forget to install the
Xcode Command Line Tools i.e. in a macOS terminal window run >_:
xcode-select --install2) Then accept the license (although I think this is done via the installer already) by runing the following in a macOS terminal window >_:
xcodebuild -license3) A
crucial element to run Inkscape on MacPorts install is to have the X11 environment working on the Mac, even though it's stated as "Optional" step on the Macports instructions (
macports.org/install.php). It lists 3 different available choices for this:
- Install the xorg-server port from MacPorts
- The XQuartz Project provides a complete X11 release for macOS including server and client libraries and applications.
- Apple's X11.app is provided by the “X11 User” package on older OS versions. It is always installed on Lion, and is an optional installation on your system CDs/DVD with previous OS versions.
My choice: Although I assumed I already had X11 installed I decided to make sure by re-installing one of these options and as XQuartz was already mentioned as an alternative install for 0.92 on the Inkscape site I decided to
install the XQuartz Project's release of X11 to be on the safe side and would you believe it,
this did the trick. Not sure why I assumed I already had this installed, but in any case a properly working
X11 environment seems to be a necessary requirement to run Inkscape on the Mac! It may seem obvious to most Inkscape users, but it's probably worth spelling out for some Mac users, especially if they are new to macOS or haven't dabbled with Linux/Unix for a while or never before.
End result: Inkscape running successfully within XQuartz terminal window
NB: It could be possible that X11.app is already instaled on your Mac and therefore you could potentially use this to run Inkscape instead of needing XQuartz or the other X11 alternative listed above.
Not sure if this was the right place for this reply post, but given that my search for a fix lead me to this thread, I figured others who are experiencing the same issues might end up here too and hence my reply on this old thread
Also if you want to create Inkscape
applicaiton shortcut you could either:
Create a XQuartz application shortcut to use once you have the XQuartz terminal open
use the Mac
Automator app to create a
Run Shell Script (don't forget to select 'Pass input: as arguments') to launch X11 with Inkscape as a parameter. The script code to use would be something like:
/Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app/Contents/MacOS/X11 InkscapeTo finish this off you could create a shortcut/alias for this and move it to your Mac Applicaitons folder. Now you can launch Inkscape directly form Launchpad.
Loose ends: Still haven't worked out how to change the icon for the Automator shortcut/alias nor how to run Inkscape as a windowless X11 background process .. but life is too short as they say, so may just skip this